Leah Spitz

Dr. Leah Spitz has been practicing Chinese Medicine for over 8 years while managing a private practice in Marion, North Carolina. She graduated from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where she trained under practitioners from China learning Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. While developing her practice, she learned that any dis-ease can be treated by finding the root cause or source of the problem. She specializes in helping patients to reach higher levels of consciousness through meditation, acupuncture and plant based medicines. At her practice she often treats gastrointestinal diseases, autoimmune diseases, pain, and emotional disturbances.

Chinese medicine is more than just acupuncture, it is a philosophy of health and wellness that allows one to see the connection between the functioning of the body and the mental and emotional state of a person. Dr. Leah Spitz is also a medical intuitive who is able to diagnose and treat through her strong understanding of the body and extrasensory perceptions. She combines acupuncture with Sananga, Hape, and Bufo alvarius toad medicine to create a full complementary treatment and awakening for each patient. The acupuncture prior to medicines helps to open the body towards receiving a deeper, more profoundly positive experience.  She also offers integration therapy during treatments to allow for further processing. She caters each treatment towards the individual and their specific needs.